(240) 912-4976 icmadmin@icomd.org

ICM Young Professionals

About Us

The ICM Young Professionals (YP) group was launched in November 2019 and our goal is to create opportunities for local Muslim young professionals to connect with and be actively involved with ICM. Started and led by local young professionals, the YP group caters to individuals between the ages of 20-39 and often holds community-wide events as well.


The ICM Young Professionals group is dedicated to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for young adult Muslims to support their spiritual, professional, and personal growth.


  • Create an inclusive network of young adults and professionals in the ICM. community (and beyond) that promotes brotherhood and sisterhood
  • Foster a community that is geared towards learning spiritually, professionally, and personally.
  • Prepare the next generation of ICM.
  • Encourage young professionals to engage in religious, charitable, professional, and social activities at and with ICM.

What We Do

Our work primarily focuses on three categories and we look to incorporate spiritual and religious themes and education in each of these areas: personal and professional development, community development, and social engagement. We have hosted several in-person and virtual events including resume development sessions, taxes 101 workshop, scavenger hunt, community hike, game nights, and dinners.

Contact Information

To stay up to date on what we do and our upcoming events, subscribe to our listserv and join our WhatsApp group. You can follow us on Instagram. If you have any questions or want to get more involved, please email us at icmyp@icomd.org.